
74542 Braunsbach

Im Rabbinat 6



April - Oktober

2. und 4. Sonntag im Monat

14 - 18 Uhr



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      0049 151 20020778



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Jüdischer Kulturweg Braunsbach (Jewish Cultural Trail Braunsbach)

Jüdischer Kulturweg


The “Jüdischer Kulturweg” links villages in the Hohenlohe-Tauber area where there used to be a community of rural Jews. It leads visitors to former synagogues, Jewish cemeteries, museums and exhibitions as well as other evidence of the Jewish past in this region.

For further information please see:

There was a Jewish parish in the village from the beginning of the 17th century until 1942. Its members at times represented one third of the local population. Especially in the 19th century, they contributed mainly to the economic upswing of the village. In 1883, it was said in the Chief Office description of Kuenzelsau: “…In comparison with the surrounding area, the character of the people of Braunsbach has become more polished, more urban-cosmopolitan and more open to the world due to … the cohabitation of Protestants, Catholics and Jews…”. Even today, there are quite a few things in the village which remind us of the long presence of Jews.
The “Jüdischer Kulturweg Braunsbach” leads to nine stations where evidence of Jewish history is pointed out. Three stations are identical with stations of the “Jüdischer Kulturweg Hohenlohe-Tauber”: the Jewish cemetery on the Schaalberg, the former synagogue (nowadays used as gymnasium and festival hall) and the rabbinical building in the village center where today, among other things, the Rabbinatsmuseum is located. Other stations are e.g. a former Jewish house with a Hebrew inscription naming the builder, the so-called “Judenstäffele” (meaning a small narrow staircase used by Jews) and the former “Judengasse” (literally: Jews’ Lane) with a “Doppeltürhaus” (double-door house). Information boards provide further explanations of the individual stations.
On a guided tour, visitors are provided with information on the places of residence and the fate of the last Jews of Braunsbach. The history of the rural Jews is documented at length in the Rabbinatsmuseum. Guided tours of the “Jüdischer Kulturweg” are offered here as well.
The “Jüdischer Kulturweg Braunsbach” is almost three kilometers (1.8 mi) long. It can be walked as a loop trail, starting anywhere. The ninth station, the Jewish cemetery, is situated about 120 meters altitude (400 ft) above the village and can easily be reached by car. Signposts with the symbol of a blue menorah (= a seven-armed chandelier) on white ground show its way around the village. The trail can easily be walked in two hours.
Information material is available in the Rabbinatsmuseum and the town hall.

Under "Virtual Trails" you may get some impressions of the "Jüdischen Kulturweg Braunsbach"

Flyer on the Jüdischer Kulturweg Braunsbach
You may download the flyer on the Jüdischer Kulturweg Braunsbach als PDF here.
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